About Alistair Buckle

Alistair-BuckleI’m Alistair Buckle, a Senior Full Stack LAMP / JS Web Developer.

I build award-winning websites and apps with people who care.

I love working with people who collaborate and push for the best. Over the years I’ve worked with talented designers, expert business people, and led teams of developers to achieve success together.

My master’s degree (MSc) in Computer Science and understanding of programming, design, databases, styling, user experience, brand, and their integration allows me to develop, to optimize, to diagnose, to troubleshoot, and to deliver.

I enjoy problem solving: the harder the better! I’m happy to be a lifelong learner – I love to learn so my attitude is to rapidly research, evaluate approaches, and get stuck in and never give up. In this mode I’ve earned the respect of all of my colleagues because I keep us going until we win.

Personally, I enjoy learning about practically anything but especially anything related to technology. I like to read about and discuss current affairs. I’m not bad at cooking! I watch good and bad films and treasure my collection of MST3K.

Technical and Specialised Skills

I typically develop websites and apps using PHPStorm as an IDE, and Git for version control. I’m confident using Photoshop and Illustrator for design, but I usually work with amazing designers to realise a client’s requirements.

I’m comfortable doing system administration in *nix at a shell, prefer KDE, and use MacOS or VMs.

  • Languages

    • PHP
    • JavaScript (React, Redux, AJAX, jQuery)
    • CSS
    • SQL
    • bash
    • Java
    • XML
  • Platforms

    • Unix (FreeBSD 4/5/6, Solaris 10, *nix)
    • Linux (CentOS; Red Hat Enterprize Linux 4/5; Ubuntu)
    • Windows (95/98/XP/Vista/7/10/Server)
  • Software

    • PHP
    • MySQL
    • WordPress
    • Joomla
    • XCache
    • Photoshop
    • Illustrator
    • MS Office Suite (Access, Excel, Word)
  • Development tools

    • PHPStorm
    • Git, GitHub, GitLab etc.
    • Postman API
    • *nix Command Line wizardry
    • Chrome, Chrome Developer Tools
    • Meld, diff
    • phpdoc
  • System Administration

    • bash (including writing shell scripts)
    • cron
    • GNUplot
    • SSH
    • vi, vim
  • Website Optimisation

    • SEO audits and advice
    • Google Analytics
    • Google Webmaster Tools
    • Bing Webmaster Tools
    • Sitemaps (XML)
    • Usability and User Experience
    • Performance tuning and load time reduction

About this website

Here’s my article about the third version of agtb.net

Curriculum Vitae

My full Curriculum Vitae is available on request.